This erect woody shrub has small yellowish-white flowers that form heads on dense clusters. The hairy leaves have pronounced veins with a strong aromatic lemon smell. It grows in large parts of South Africa particularly on the East coast.
100% African LEMON BUSH Essential Oil
Latin Name: Lippia Javanica
Family: Verbenaceae
Common Indigenous Names: Fever Tea/Lemon Bush/Cape Verbena (English), Musukudu, Bokhukhwane (Tswana), inZinziniba (Xhosa), umSuzwane (Zulu), Koorsbossie/Lemoenbossie (Afrikaans).
Uses: Known as Fever Tea, the plant has traditionally been used for a number of ailments. Most popularly for fever, persistent coughs, colds and chest ailments. In addition it is commonly used for skin rashes, head lice, stomach problems, headaches and to soothe sore muscles. Its strong fragrance makes it an effective insect repellent, particularly against moths and mosquitoes.
Quirky Indigenous Uses:
Protection against dog bites, crocodiles and lightning
Cleanser after contact with a corpse
Extraction: Steam-distilled